
I’ve been asked about the future of A Quartz Bead so many times that I decided that some kind of post is called for.

After graduating the Academy and starting professional work I decided to concentrate on one personal project at a time. Right now I’m finishing the <a href=”http://kokoart.net/kokoart3″>Sawdust comic</a>, which will end at about 60 pages. Right after that I’m starting on another short animated movie, the first non-school one (my school movies can be checked out on <a href=”http://www.youtube.com/user/myszowor”>my youtube channel</a>).

Next project after that is supposed to be A Quartz Bead. I’ve had and still have a lot of time to think on the story. I feel I’ve lost control of it somewhere in the latter chapters and will work hard on concluding te main story in an interesting and satisfying way, for both you and me. Well, I will probably aim to satisfy my own expextations, as the story grew very personal and close to me.

TLDR: The comic is not dead, the story will be concluded, just not yet now.



p.s. above picture was created for <a href=”http://rzeczywiscie.tv”> rzeczywiscie.tv</a> as a part of their online campaign :). They are friends and are making a free online television channel.